
Affordable Housing and Tax Credit Developments NationallyFiscal Year 2011 HUD Appropriations Act

July 29, 2010by George Danneman

Today the House of Representatives will vote on an amendment to the House Transportation Housing & Urban Development Committee Fiscal Year 2011 HUD Appropriations Act. The amendment would:

1)      Cut $75,000,000 for Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) vouchers;

2)      Cut $50,000,000 in supportive services;

3)      Cut $200,000,000 from HOPE VI;

4)      Cut $10,000,000 in Section 108 Loans;

5)      Cut $175,000,000 from the HOME program; and

6)      Cut $22,000,000 from the Self-Help and Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP).

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